Friday, June 27, 2014

Heart Smiles Episode #11: Ester

We've all been faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. Queen Esther shows us how to summon the strength we need to face our obstacles with divine help.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Heart Smiles Episode #10: Naaman

Morning prayer. Check. Breakfast prayer. Check. Scripture reading. Check. Bite tongue when you want to retaliate rude comment. Check.

Tithing. Sabbath observance. Be modest. Check. Check. Check.

It seems there are just so many tiny commandments to keep. Maybe skipping one or two wouldn't hurt...

Would it?


Friday, June 13, 2014

Heart Smiles Episode #9: Jeremiah

We know where we came from, we know why we're here, and we know where we're going. It's all part of the Great Plan of Happiness! And while this grand plan is for everyone, we each have our own individual missions and purposes we've been sent here to do. President Harold B. Lee said, "Many were chosen, as was Abraham, before they were born, as the Lord told Moses and also Jeremiah. This was made still more meaningful by the Latter-day Prophet, Joseph Smith, who declared, 'I believe that every person who is called to do an important work in the kingdom of God, was called to that work and foreordained to that work before the world was'" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1973, 6; or Ensign, Jan. 1974, 5).


Friday, June 6, 2014

Heart Smiles Episode #8: Elisha and the Chariots of Fire

I think that each of us have had an experience where we've felt divinely protected or helped or guided. We name these miraculous helpers our guardian angels and it makes us feel special that an angel would take their time to tend to our small (and not-so-small) needs. But in 2 Kings we read about an experience that makes us reevaluate these guardian angels - and ourselves...
